What the TikTok Ban Bill Means for B2B Marketing in 2023

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, News, Social Selling

tik tok ban bill passed, tiktok ban bill number, social media 2023, social media marketing, restrict act

“Is TikTok going to be banned?”  Chances are, you’ve heard this question before. Since 2020, there have been several attempts to ban TikTok. In fact, on May 18, 2023, Montana’s governor successfully banned the app. At first glance the Restrict Act may just seem like the latest attempt on a national level. This may be true; however, supporters and opposers … Read More

Five Reasons You Should Invest in Lead Generation – in Addition to Finding Leads

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling

Five Reasons You Should Invest in Lead Generation In Addition to Finding Leads x

It’s the end of quarter one, you have some space leftover in the budget, and you’re wondering whether continuing the lead generation campaign in the coming months is worth the investment. Sure, you’ll generate more leads, maybe you’ll even make the sale a couple more times – but you may be asking yourself whether you’ll close enough to warrant another … Read More

Human Connection First: The Sales Strategy that Stands Out From The Noise

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, Social Selling

Human Connection First The Sales Strategy that Stands Out From The Noise x

Today more than ever, people and spam filters are getting better at filtering out sales messages. And really, who could blame them: many of them are from a desperate salesperson that didn’t take any time understanding your needs. Because of this, one of the biggest questions salespeople should ask themselves is this: how can you build better relationships with prospects, … Read More

The Educational Lead Generation Approach: Turn Learning into Selling

McKenzie AllenLead Generation, News, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling

Educational Marketing x

Traditional lead generation means first establishing a target market, and then reaching out to ask “Does our product/service interest you at the moment?” If the prospect says Yes , then we commence with a tried-and-true sales process. Set a discovery call → Make the pitch → Answer questions → Field objections → Close the deal. Most of the time, this … Read More

The Ultimate Checklist for an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Posting, Social Selling

Silhouette of man with fists high in victory, speedwork title banner laid over with blog title

When it comes to B2B social selling, your LinkedIn profile is equivalent to your personal billboard. Your profile picture and headline will follow you into every connect request you make and every message you send. See examples here: Potential partners, customers, and employees will develop their first impressions based on the images, headline, and profile summary on your page. And … Read More

How to follow up with prospects on LinkedIn

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling

Two professionals talking in front of frosted glass, one male one female, silhouettes showing, blue banner with orange Speedwork logo, white text on blue banner

Nothing is more exciting for us than to notify our clients about their first set of leads. People are interested in their product or service, and there’s potential to close a sale. But it’s not as easy as hopping on the phone and signing a contract. without a good infrastructure for nurturing these leads. The average B2B buying cycle is … Read More

The B2B Sales Process For Selling High-Ticket Offers Online

Anthony BlatnerSales Prospecting, Social Selling

young professional with a headset on looking at a computer

Are you looking to get B2B customers online? Then you need a sales process. Remote sales is a different animal compared to in-person, and B2B typically involves more decision-makers. You may be struggling to get prospects interested online, or struggling with them going cold in the process. What you’ll need is a well-designed sales process to walk prospects through the … Read More