What the TikTok Ban Bill Means for B2B Marketing in 2023

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, News, Social Selling

tik tok ban bill passed, tiktok ban bill number, social media 2023, social media marketing, restrict act

“Is TikTok going to be banned?”  Chances are, you’ve heard this question before. Since 2020, there have been several attempts to ban TikTok. In fact, on May 18, 2023, Montana’s governor successfully banned the app. At first glance the Restrict Act may just seem like the latest attempt on a national level. This may be true; however, supporters and opposers … Read More

B2B Lead Generation 101: Real Estate Edition

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, News

lead generation for real estate, best lead generation for real estate, Recession, recession in 2023

In the competitive world of real estate, generating quality leads is crucial for success. Real estate professionals need to continuously attract potential clients to grow their businesses, and the looming threat of a recession in 2023 is certainly putting a damper on many people’s spirits. Even under normal circumstances, lead generation can be a daunting task for many real estate … Read More

[UPDATED] You’re Getting leads! Now, How Do You Convert Them to the Next Step in Your Sales Process?

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

You're Getting leads! Now, How Do You Convert Them to the Next Step in Your Sales Process?

Imagine this: it’s a Monday morning, and you’re just a few days into a new marketing campaign. You have your coffee, morning news, and you’re just now opening your email. You see a couple new leads assigned to you from your lead tracker. One says, “Prospect would like to meet. Follow up!” Now, it’s up to you to convert it … Read More

Can ChatGPT Write Better Marketing Scripts Than Me?

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Resource

Can ChatGPT Write Better Marketing Scripts Than Me?

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), copywriters worry that their jobs may become obsolete. So then, what is ChatGPT? ChatGPT specifically is a powerful language model trained by OpenAI that can write marketing scripts and other types of content— but there are several reasons why we believe ChatGPT won’t replace real copywriters.  Here are our top six! What is … Read More

How to Use Account Lists in Sales Navigator To Target Even More Precisely

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

How to Use Account Lists in Sales Navigator To Target Even More Precisely

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a great tool to use for prospecting. Whether you’re just starting to get an idea of your audience or if you’re just calling down the list, it makes finding your target that much easier.  That being the case, LinkedIn’s lead searches aren’t always the most accurate. People and companies each have industries that don’t always match … Read More

Good Leads, Bad Leads, and Great Leads: 5 Ways Lead Grading Can Improve Your Lead Generation

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

Good Leads Bad Leads and Great Leads  Ways Lead Grading Can Improve Your Lead Generation x

Everyone wants your product! That’s the dream, isn’t it? Any sales expert can tell you that there is no greater burst of serotonin than waking up to 20 people from your new marketing campaign all shouting “we want what you’re offering.”  But it isn’t always so cut and dry (people are complicated). So here we’ll show how lead grading is … Read More

How to Start a Prospecting Conversation

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

How to Start a Prospecting Conversation

Nothing creates pressure quite like starting a new outbound sales campaign for the first time. Not to worry, we’re here to help you start your scripts in a way that will lead to sales conversations! At Speedwork, we value the conversation starter as a relationship-building device. Picture yourself on a Tinder date. All you know about this person is a … Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Account-Based Marketing With LinkedIn Ads (ABM!)

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, LinkedIn Ads, News

"ABM & LinkedIn Ads" and Man writing list on whiteboard

Do you feel like your company’s marketing strategy isn’t driving the results you want? Consider account-based marketing and how it works on LinkedIn Ads. The strategy can be an excellent way to reach high-value businesses online. By creating ads just for them, you can make buying from your company an easy decision. Read on to learn more about why ABM … Read More

The Ultimate Checklist for an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Posting, Social Selling

Silhouette of man with fists high in victory, speedwork title banner laid over with blog title

When it comes to B2B social selling, your LinkedIn profile is equivalent to your personal billboard. Your profile picture and headline will follow you into every connect request you make and every message you send. See examples here: Potential partners, customers, and employees will develop their first impressions based on the images, headline, and profile summary on your page. And … Read More