The B2B Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn Ad Targeting for 2024

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, News

linkedin ad targeting

If you want to grow your business, reaching decision-makers is the name of the game. And there’s no better way to reach decision-makers at B2B companies than LinkedIn.  With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn is the largest community of professionals worldwide. Taking your outreach efforts to LinkedIn enables you to reach more than 61 million decision makers, including over 10 … Read More

Save Hours on Account Management with The New LinkedIn Sales Navigator Account Hub

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, News, Sales Prospecting

Account Hub, The Account Hub dashboard, What is the LinkedIn Sales Navigator Account Hub?

Fed up with endlessly navigating through the weeds and making little headway with your LinkedIn connections week after week? We’ve been there! Introducing the next iteration of LinkedIn Sales Navigator’s buyer intent account dashboard: Account Hub! LinkedIn reports that 81% of B2B buyers actively share business-related content, showcasing the potential for impactful sales strategies using these insights. The Account Hub … Read More

B2B Lead Generation 101: Real Estate Edition

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, News

lead generation for real estate, best lead generation for real estate, Recession, recession in 2023

In the competitive world of real estate, generating quality leads is crucial for success. Real estate professionals need to continuously attract potential clients to grow their businesses, and the looming threat of a recession in 2023 is certainly putting a damper on many people’s spirits. Even under normal circumstances, lead generation can be a daunting task for many real estate … Read More

[UPDATED] You’re Getting leads! Now, How Do You Convert Them to the Next Step in Your Sales Process?

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

You're Getting leads! Now, How Do You Convert Them to the Next Step in Your Sales Process?

Imagine this: it’s a Monday morning, and you’re just a few days into a new marketing campaign. You have your coffee, morning news, and you’re just now opening your email. You see a couple new leads assigned to you from your lead tracker. One says, “Prospect would like to meet. Follow up!” Now, it’s up to you to convert it … Read More

Five Reasons You Should Invest in Lead Generation – in Addition to Finding Leads

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling

Five Reasons You Should Invest in Lead Generation In Addition to Finding Leads x

It’s the end of quarter one, you have some space leftover in the budget, and you’re wondering whether continuing the lead generation campaign in the coming months is worth the investment. Sure, you’ll generate more leads, maybe you’ll even make the sale a couple more times – but you may be asking yourself whether you’ll close enough to warrant another … Read More

Human Connection First: The Sales Strategy that Stands Out From The Noise

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, Social Selling

Human Connection First The Sales Strategy that Stands Out From The Noise x

Today more than ever, people and spam filters are getting better at filtering out sales messages. And really, who could blame them: many of them are from a desperate salesperson that didn’t take any time understanding your needs. Because of this, one of the biggest questions salespeople should ask themselves is this: how can you build better relationships with prospects, … Read More

How to Use Account Lists in Sales Navigator To Target Even More Precisely

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

How to Use Account Lists in Sales Navigator To Target Even More Precisely

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a great tool to use for prospecting. Whether you’re just starting to get an idea of your audience or if you’re just calling down the list, it makes finding your target that much easier.  That being the case, LinkedIn’s lead searches aren’t always the most accurate. People and companies each have industries that don’t always match … Read More

Good Leads, Bad Leads, and Great Leads: 5 Ways Lead Grading Can Improve Your Lead Generation

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting

Good Leads Bad Leads and Great Leads  Ways Lead Grading Can Improve Your Lead Generation x

Everyone wants your product! That’s the dream, isn’t it? Any sales expert can tell you that there is no greater burst of serotonin than waking up to 20 people from your new marketing campaign all shouting “we want what you’re offering.”  But it isn’t always so cut and dry (people are complicated). So here we’ll show how lead grading is … Read More