Can ChatGPT Write Better Marketing Scripts Than Me?

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, Resource

Can ChatGPT Write Better Marketing Scripts Than Me?

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), copywriters worry that their jobs may become obsolete. So then, what is ChatGPT? ChatGPT specifically is a powerful language model trained by OpenAI that can write marketing scripts and other types of content— but there are several reasons why we believe ChatGPT won’t replace real copywriters.  Here are our top six! What is … Read More

The Educational Lead Generation Approach: Turn Learning into Selling

McKenzie AllenLead Generation, News, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling

Educational Marketing x

Traditional lead generation means first establishing a target market, and then reaching out to ask “Does our product/service interest you at the moment?” If the prospect says Yes , then we commence with a tried-and-true sales process. Set a discovery call → Make the pitch → Answer questions → Field objections → Close the deal. Most of the time, this … Read More

The Ultimate Checklist for an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Posting, Social Selling

Silhouette of man with fists high in victory, speedwork title banner laid over with blog title

When it comes to B2B social selling, your LinkedIn profile is equivalent to your personal billboard. Your profile picture and headline will follow you into every connect request you make and every message you send. See examples here: Potential partners, customers, and employees will develop their first impressions based on the images, headline, and profile summary on your page. And … Read More

How to follow up with prospects on LinkedIn

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling

Two professionals talking in front of frosted glass, one male one female, silhouettes showing, blue banner with orange Speedwork logo, white text on blue banner

Nothing is more exciting for us than to notify our clients about their first set of leads. People are interested in their product or service, and there’s potential to close a sale. But it’s not as easy as hopping on the phone and signing a contract. without a good infrastructure for nurturing these leads. The average B2B buying cycle is … Read More

5 Tips from a Social Seller on How to Make it Work

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Posting, Social Selling

Social Selling Tips, business man texting

Back in the 1980s, social selling meant scheduling steakhouse dinners, hitting the golf course, networking at business conferences and, when all else failed, cold calling and canvassing. In today’s digital world, these methods are considered either outdated, inefficient, or both. And now, in a pandemic, face-to-face social networking opportunities are scarce regardless. On the other hand, many business-owners feel out … Read More

How Much Do LinkedIn Ads Cost? A LinkedIn Ad Pricing Guide

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, News, Resource

how much do linkedin ads cost

LinkedIn is the most powerful B2B social network… and the most underutilized advertising platform. You know LinkedIn as the world’s largest professional networking site. You’ve used it for years to connect with colleagues, find and post job openings, and learn more about your industry. Now, you’re ready to leverage its advertising potential. Though LinkedIn Ads have been around since 2005, … Read More

How to Track Conversions for HubSpot Meetings – FINALLY! [FREE Code Snippets]

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, Resource

How to track conversions for hubspot meetings

Learn How to Use Google Tag Manager & JavaScript Event Listeners to Track Booked Meeting Conversions – with Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook Ads Examples. Are you using HubSpot Meetings and frustrated by not being able to track conversions when a prospect books a call with you?! 🤬 After working with dozens of HubSpot run companies… we’ve seen first hand that … Read More

How to Build a LinkedIn Lead Gen Funnel

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, News, Resource

Anthony with a whiteboard funnel diagram

Does your company rely on lead gen to sell a B2B product or service? Is your target customer in a very specific industry, company size, or even job? Most teams I talk to are struggling with weak, unqualified leads that are wasting your time — some people may be filling out your form or downloading your guide, but they’re really … Read More

Lead Generation Funnel Checklist

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, News, Resource

Lead Gen Funnel Checklist Summary

✅Ready to build and launch your lead generation funnel? ✅ Follow this checklist to make sure you have all of your bases covered… to squeeze the best performance out of your funnel. Or if you’re not getting as many leads as you’d like, then review to see if there’s anything you’re missing!