The B2B Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn Ad Targeting for 2024

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, News

linkedin ad targeting

If you want to grow your business, reaching decision-makers is the name of the game. And there’s no better way to reach decision-makers at B2B companies than LinkedIn.  With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn is the largest community of professionals worldwide. Taking your outreach efforts to LinkedIn enables you to reach more than 61 million decision makers, including over 10 … Read More

New Thought Leader Ads: Humanize Your B2B Marketing

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads, News

Thought leader ads, ads, LinkedIn ads

LinkedIn has just rolled out a game-changing update to its advertising platform: Thought Leader Ads. Until now, ads on LinkedIn were limited to company pages, but this update allows companies and ad accounts to leverage their employees’ content as well. These ads enable marketing on a more human level, because people will always get more engagement than companies. This will … Read More

LinkedIn Ads event conversion tracking – with Google Tag Manager

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

LI Event Specific Conv Tracking Banner blog x

Want to track conversions for your LinkedIn ads? Follow this tutorial to make sure your conversion tracking is set up and working! We’re going to walk through setting up conversion tracking for LinkedIn event-specific conversion events. About LinkedIn Ads Conversion Tracking Why do we need new JavaScript events? Well, since Apple killed the ‘cookie’ a year ago, there have been … Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Account-Based Marketing With LinkedIn Ads (ABM!)

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, LinkedIn Ads, News

"ABM & LinkedIn Ads" and Man writing list on whiteboard

Do you feel like your company’s marketing strategy isn’t driving the results you want? Consider account-based marketing and how it works on LinkedIn Ads. The strategy can be an excellent way to reach high-value businesses online. By creating ads just for them, you can make buying from your company an easy decision. Read on to learn more about why ABM … Read More

The Ultimate Checklist for an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Posting, Social Selling

Silhouette of man with fists high in victory, speedwork title banner laid over with blog title

When it comes to B2B social selling, your LinkedIn profile is equivalent to your personal billboard. Your profile picture and headline will follow you into every connect request you make and every message you send. See examples here: Potential partners, customers, and employees will develop their first impressions based on the images, headline, and profile summary on your page. And … Read More

LinkedIn Video Ad Tips and Tricks for 2021

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads, News

Cover image with headline linkedin video ad tips, subheadline b2b video best practices, image of iphone with linkedin videos

LinkedIn is the undisputed champion of professional social networking with 740 million users. In that sea of potential, how do you get the right users to see your message and take action? There’s no magical formula, but video ads are a powerful tool. Targeted exposure, an engaging medium, a chance to tell your story and prompt conversion…what more could a … Read More

What should my starting LinkedIn Ads budget be?

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

How To Plan LinkedIn Budget Header x

Planning your LinkedIn Ads budget Setting your LinkedIn Ads budget is an important, yet often unclear, step of your campaign planning. To drive great results consistently, you need to plan out your advertising campaigns and your greater marketing strategy, including budget. This post walks through where you should start, and why. (Scaling will come later!) It’s easy to get started … Read More

How to connect your subdomain to HighLevel

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

Ready for new landing pages? Here’s how you can setup your subdomain with HighLevel so that your landing pages appear on your website’s domain. A subdomain is an extension of your main website’s domain, such as Any simple keyword will do, “go” is most common. The “go” is a subdomain, which points all URLs starting with “go” to the … Read More

How To Connect Your CRM with LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

When planning a LinkedIn advertising campaign, you want to make sure your leads are automatically pushed into your CRM. By default, when a lead signs up via your LinkedIn lead form, it sits in LinkedIn Campaign Manager for 90 days (after which time the ‘data expires’). So, we want that lead to automatically be pushed into your CRM and email … Read More