The B2B Sales Process For Selling High-Ticket Offers Online

Anthony BlatnerSales Prospecting, Social Selling

young professional with a headset on looking at a computer

Are you looking to get B2B customers online? Then you need a sales process. Remote sales is a different animal compared to in-person, and B2B typically involves more decision-makers. You may be struggling to get prospects interested online, or struggling with them going cold in the process. What you’ll need is a well-designed sales process to walk prospects through the … Read More

5 Tips from a Social Seller on How to Make it Work

McKenzie AllenB2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Resource, Sales Prospecting, Social Posting, Social Selling

Social Selling Tips, business man texting

Back in the 1980s, social selling meant scheduling steakhouse dinners, hitting the golf course, networking at business conferences and, when all else failed, cold calling and canvassing. In today’s digital world, these methods are considered either outdated, inefficient, or both. And now, in a pandemic, face-to-face social networking opportunities are scarce regardless. On the other hand, many business-owners feel out … Read More

LinkedIn Video Ad Tips and Tricks for 2021

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads, News

Cover image with headline linkedin video ad tips, subheadline b2b video best practices, image of iphone with linkedin videos

LinkedIn is the undisputed champion of professional social networking with 740 million users. In that sea of potential, how do you get the right users to see your message and take action? There’s no magical formula, but video ads are a powerful tool. Targeted exposure, an engaging medium, a chance to tell your story and prompt conversion…what more could a … Read More

What should my starting LinkedIn Ads budget be?

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

How To Plan LinkedIn Budget Header x

Planning your LinkedIn Ads budget Setting your LinkedIn Ads budget is an important, yet often unclear, step of your campaign planning. To drive great results consistently, you need to plan out your advertising campaigns and your greater marketing strategy, including budget. This post walks through where you should start, and why. (Scaling will come later!) It’s easy to get started … Read More

How to connect your subdomain to HighLevel

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

Ready for new landing pages? Here’s how you can setup your subdomain with HighLevel so that your landing pages appear on your website’s domain. A subdomain is an extension of your main website’s domain, such as Any simple keyword will do, “go” is most common. The “go” is a subdomain, which points all URLs starting with “go” to the … Read More

How To Connect Your CRM with LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

Anthony BlatnerLinkedIn Ads

When planning a LinkedIn advertising campaign, you want to make sure your leads are automatically pushed into your CRM. By default, when a lead signs up via your LinkedIn lead form, it sits in LinkedIn Campaign Manager for 90 days (after which time the ‘data expires’). So, we want that lead to automatically be pushed into your CRM and email … Read More

How to Setup Your Calendar Widget

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation

Want your leads to book sales meetings right on your calendar? Then add an appointment setting flow to your funnel! The best way to do so is by using a self-service booking widget. How to Setup Your Calendar Widget — Watch Video These embedded calendars are awesome because it lets the prospect drive the process. They can select the date … Read More

Preparing Your G Suite / Gmail Account For Email Campaign Sending

Anthony BlatnerUncategorized

There are a few settings that need to be configured to allow your G Suite or Gmail account for email sending. First, your security settings must be configured at the domain level in Google Admin Console to enable individuals to set the proper settings. Second, your account settings must be configured on the individual level in Google My Account to … Read More

How To Get Bigger Customers With LinkedIn (Meetup Presentation)

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, News

anthony meetup presentation cover

Want to get bigger customers for your business? Know you should be using LinkedIn more, but don’t know where to start? There’s over 660M professionals on LinkedIn, and over 50% are a Manager or ABOVE. Learn how your business can use LinkedIn to attract better customers! Anthony from will be sharing his framework for LinkedIn advertising that has attracted … Read More