The B2B Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn Ad Targeting for 2024

Anthony BlatnerLead Generation, LinkedIn Ads, News

linkedin ad targeting

If you want to grow your business, reaching decision-makers is the name of the game. And there’s no better way to reach decision-makers at B2B companies than LinkedIn.  With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn is the largest community of professionals worldwide. Taking your outreach efforts to LinkedIn enables you to reach more than 61 million decision makers, including over 10 … Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Account-Based Marketing With LinkedIn Ads (ABM!)

Anthony BlatnerB2B Marketing, LinkedIn Ads, News

"ABM & LinkedIn Ads" and Man writing list on whiteboard

Do you feel like your company’s marketing strategy isn’t driving the results you want? Consider account-based marketing and how it works on LinkedIn Ads. The strategy can be an excellent way to reach high-value businesses online. By creating ads just for them, you can make buying from your company an easy decision. Read on to learn more about why ABM … Read More